MelaNoMore Buddies

This is a new part of MelaNoMore Support Group (MSG), which has set up a Buddy System, aimed at offering support to those who want to talk with someone, who has had similar experiences to those you are dealing with.

Buddies & Friends Milestone 1000 Contacts since Inception


How to Join MelaNoMore Buddies

If you are a current member of MSG, MelaNoMore Buddies have invited you to submit further details, so they can establish a Friend~Buddy relationship.

All new members will automatically receive an invite.

If you wish to become a new member of MelaNoMore and/or Buddies then please go to our Membership Page.

Buddies contacts now topped 1000 "friend" contacts

The Buddies scheme was started during the Covid era, October 2020, putting Buddies in contact with Friends to offer support and provide a listening ear. I am delighted to announce that during this time 1000 support contacts have been made, mainly by phone and text/Whatsapp, but also with face to face contacts, and thank those Buddies for their continuing support.

Neil Harrison

Member of MelaNoMore Buddies and Treasurer

Chris Caswell

Lead of MelaNoMore Buddies and Committee Member

Pam Walls

Chair of Story  and Volunteer for MelaNoMore

Process for New Members joining MelaNoMore Support Group & then being part of MelaNoMore Buddies

1. At Clinics the Cancer Nurse Specialists will ask whether you would like to become a member of the MelaNoMore support Group.

2. They will pass your name and email address to Committee members who maintain the member lists.

3. You will then receive a Welcome Letter from Aga Kehinde, the Chair by email. (Click here to view).

4. You will receive the regular Newsletters, invites to events and the monthly Virtual Cafe.

5. Susequently an invite to become a Friend or Buddy will be sent to your email address.

Cycle Couple
Cycle Couple
Buddies Email

Email MelaNoMore Buddies on

Our Email

Email MelaNoMore Support Group on 
for non-clinical issues

Our Website

Visit us on
for Events, Support & Contact Details

Our Facebook Group

Join our Facebook private group
‘MelaNoMore Support Group’ by providing your email address to 

Talk More

Through social & virtual events, such as our Wellbeing Webinars, where everyone can meet, chat and seek advice. We have now returned to "real" social gatherings.

Click here for ~ Newsletters

Learn More

As well as running educational events, we have a website where lots of information about Melanoma, will be easily accessible and pooled into one simple point of access.

Click here for ~ Useful Contacts

Support More

We have set up the MelaNoMore Buddies, who team up on a one-to-one basis with Friends going through similar experiences, providing friendship and a listening ear.


Click here for ~ MelaNoMore Buddies