Privacy Policy
- Usage of personal data requested and provided to us, plus the need for your consent.
- It will provide information on the basis, nature, scope, context, purposes of processing personal data and why it is required.
- The procedures we follow to ensure your personal data is kept secure and protected at all times, in compliance with the GDPR & Data Protection Act 2018.
- The way this website processes, stores and protects user data and information will be detailed within this policy.
Privacy Policy
Our Privacy Policy covers:
- Usage of personal data requested and provided to us, plus the need for your consent.
- It will provide information on the basis, nature, scope, context, purposes of processing personal data and why it is required.
- The procedures we follow to ensure your personal data is kept secure and protected at all times, in compliance with the GDPR & Data Protection Act 2018.
- The way this website processes, stores and protects user data and information will be detailed within this policy.
Personal Email & Postal Address, Telephone No.
We requested your email address and / or postal address so we can keep in contact, through the provision of a regular MelaNoMore newsletter for members. We will also send you invitations to join events. We will use your email address to send you an invite to the Melanoma Virtual Café which is held monthly via Zoom. You may also be asked to join MelaNoMore Buddies.
We may occasionally contact you by phone to gather your feedback on our support services.
Where your contacts details have not been captured electronically, they will be recorded with all others on the master Google Contacts file. All paper originals will be destroyed and date of consent recorded.
Your information will be treated as confidential and kept secure by us. It will not be shared with any other organisations or persons unless agreed with you.
Group member email distribution will protect your privacy by always using “bcc” blind carbon copy.
If you wish to stop us sending Newsletters and Event invites, please let us know by emailing
If you no longer want to be a MelaNoMore member please let us know via the email link above. We will remove all your details held by MSG including MelaNoMore Buddies, unless you wish to continue with just the latter.
Backup and previous versions of personal data, held on Google and other Clouds, will be automatically deleted when the retention period expires.
Personal Data Required for MelaNoMore Buddies
Personal Data Required for MelaNoMore Buddies
As a member of MelaNoMore Support Group (MSG), we may send you an invitation to join the MelaNoMore Buddy System. If you have no interest at this stage, please ignore this email request. You can always apply later via our website or email to
Your details will be transferred securely via Google Forms directly into a password protected Excel Spreadsheet held on Google Drives with Cloud backup.
Your data encompasses:
- email address
- telephone number
- postcode area (first 3 or 4 characters)
- patient or relationship to patient
- patient treatment status
- hobbies and interests
These elements will be used by the Buddy Co-ordinator to assign Buddies to Friends and monitor progress with you. The postcode area code may be used to match the closest Buddy to Friend. Some of these will also be used as part of the logistical analysis (see below).
Details on the number, date and time of contacts will be logged on the secure file to enable logistical analysis and to best provide this continued service and allocation of resources. This information will not be shared with other Buddies or Friends, unless the Buddy is a member of the MSG Committee.
If you wish to end the Buddy / Friend relationship at any stage, please speak to / email the Buddy Co-ordinator to come to a mutual agreement. If you still have concerns, contact the Chairman of MSG via
When the Buddy / Friend relationship finishes we will remove and delete all MelaNoMore Buddy personal data we hold. Only anomalous analytics will be retained.
All your information will be treated as confidential and kept secure within the MSG Committee Members. It will not be shared with any other organisation or person, unless agreed with yourself.
The Website
Use of Cookies
Our website does not collect or retain any personal data, apart from that collected by Google Analytics in respect of the number and location of accesses to the website. We will use the summary of that data to analyze usage and potentially which pages are the most popular.
This website uses tracking software to monitor its visitors to better understand how they use it. This software is provided by Google Analytics which uses cookies to track visitor usage. The software will save a cookie to your computer’s hard drive in order to track and monitor your engagement and usage of the website, but will not store, save or collect personal information. You can read Google’s privacy policy here for further information [ ].
External Website Links
Although this website only looks to include quality, safe and relevant external links users, should always adopt a policy of caution before clicking any external web links mentioned throughout this website.
The owners of this website cannot guarantee or verify the contents of any externally linked website despite their best efforts. Users should therefore note, they click on external links at their own risk and this website and its owners cannot be held liable for any damages or implications caused by visiting any external links mentioned.

Talk More
Through social & virtual events, such as our Wellbeing Webinars, where everyone can meet, chat and seek advice. We have now returned to "real" social gatherings.
Click here for ~ Newsletters
Learn More
As well as running educational events, we have a website where lots of information about Melanoma, will be easily accessible and pooled into one simple point of access.
Click here for ~ Useful Contacts
Support More
We have set up the MelaNoMore Buddies, who team up on a one-to-one basis with Friends going through similar experiences, providing friendship and a listening ear.